Friday, April 01, 2016

Happy New Year through April Fools!

We left the AT and celebrated the holidays with family, friends, and lots of dogs.
Then we almost immediately launched a self-guided river trip down the Grand Canyon. Floating yourself and all your supplies with a current is a much easier form of travel than walking and carrying everything on your back.
The Grand Canyon was spectacular and I encourage anyone to travel down this river at some point. We were on the water with 16 friends for 21 days and words cannot do the trip justice; photos can try, and, since Heidi has been requesting them for sometime, here is a set of highlight pics. 
We returned home to Alaska with the news that there had been a 7.1 earthquake near Homer while we were on the river. Our house was fine, except that the Game of Life had fallen off the shelf and its pieces were strewn all over the living room. Ironic.
After ten days of opening mail and catching up on 5 months of absence, things have returned to Homer "normal": skiing, hiking, and looking for summer work. 

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