Thursday, March 03, 2011


My Uncle Ole once carved "I HATE PIANO" into the piano when he was supposed to be practicing. I wish I could carve the same sentiment about Spanish somewhere, but a good locale doesn't really present itself.
Here's a great example of why this graffiti is appropriate:
hablo, hablas, habla, hablamos, hablan, hablar, hablando, hablado, hablaré, hablarás, hablará, hablarémos, hablarán, hablaria, hablarias, hablaria, hablariamos, hablarian, hable, hables, hable, hablemos, hablen, hablara, hablase, hablaras, hablases, hablara, hablase, hablaramos, hablásemos, hablaran, and hablasen
ALL mean "to speak." But, choose wisely, they all have only one appropriate use.  I probably missed some or haven't been taught a few more rogue tenses, as well.
In German, there are 16 ways to say "the."  I used to think that was a big deal.
I got frustrated and confused in Spanish class yesterday, and my teacher threw me a lifeline: an explanation of what she was talking about in English. This is what it said:
"When the main clause is in the past and calls for the subjunctive, you will use the imperfect subjunctive in the subordinate clause."
Oh! Why didn't you just say so?  Seriously, I'm still not sure if that is actually English, and it didn't clear anything up.
Perhaps I should stop accidentally saying rude and suggestive things to strangers and my host family in my attempts to communicate in Spanish, and start looking for my pocket knife to convey my feelings in a more permanent way.


Sheryl said...

I so feel the same way. I'm ready to move to England for a few months. Three months of Spanish classes and I just couldn't understand a word the doorman said, not one word.

Anonymous said...

Steph! We are LOVING your blog! You are our favorite! Lots of hugs and love, Judah & Heidi :)