Saturday, January 26, 2008

One Book Meme

Liz told me to do this.  Actually, she "tagged" me for this "meme."  I have no idea what a "meme" is, nor how to pronounce it, and I think that tagging is probably offensive in some states. However, blogging seems to be the best way to keep in touch with Liz these days (she has better excuses than most of you, so don't even try to "tag," "poke," or flick anything at me), so I will oblige her glorified chain letter. Also, it's been forever since I've posted anything and Anna doesn't really seem to be pulling her weight, so I can be flattered by one of my friends assuming that I am a reader.

One Book that Changed Your Life: books don't change people.  people change people... or is that guns?  If you insist on an answer: West with the Night by Beryl Markham.  I still cannot believe that a book of this quality has been in print my entire life, and only one person ever mentioned it to me.  To quote Nicholas Bayard: "I envy people that haven't read it yet." (it should be noted that Nicholas said this about the Harry Potter series.)
One Book that you've Read More Than Once: Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
One Book that you'd want on a Desert Island: (I'll copy Liz here) The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein
One Book that made you Laugh: Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner... outloud. on the DC metro. on the way to work. embarrassing.
One Book that made you Cry: Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett... but I think this is because the lovers FINALLY got married in this book that drags on and on and on. It might have been tears of exhaustion.
One Book you wish had been Written: mine.  I gotta stop filling in book quizzes and get back to the typewriter.
One Book you wish had Never been Written: The Piano Teacher by Elfriede Jelinek.  I only finished it because I was in Austria and desperate for a book in English and got this as a hand off from someone.  I would have been better off reading Coke cans.
One Book you're currently Reading: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon
One Book you've been meaning to Read:Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.  So will everyone stop going on about it and let me get to it? Thank you.


Anonymous said...

memes are absolutely like a glorified chain letter...or maybe like those things that went around back when we first started using email (a million questions to answer to help you get to know your friends better...).

in my defense, someone i think is very cool 'tagged' me to do that meme and since i think you are oh-so-cool it was only fitting. thanks!


Kori said...

Don't bother with Eat Pary Love. There are some really great parts and ideas, and if you are interested I will glady give you the page numbers, but as a whole it was, um, just a little icky. Who in the real world gets a divorce and gets to travle to Italy, India, and that other place? Ick.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, Have you finished the Curious Case...? I thought it was very interesting. Neat to think about someone's perspective who is so different. If you liked it you might like "Animals in Translation". It is written by a woman who is actually autistic and helps feed lots, packing houses etc. to treat animals in a humane manner. I am not an "animal person" but I really enjoyed this book.

Susan (Wes's favorite aunt)